Musik Gambus dan Sholawat

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Lute music and rhythm track Sholawat is a collection of middle east, the music of the desert and also a complete set of sholawat prophet of various institutions / organizations proselytizing or religious study group in the homeland
A collection of songs in the tradition of Sufi, Sunni, rhythm accompaniment of a stringed instrument, played with the orchestra and with tambourines and usually in demand by the Sufis or Sufi experts like Jalaluddin Rumi
Sholawat Complete collection consists of various sholawat like sholawat Prophet, Habib syech, sung by the prophet qasidah assemblies, assemblies Nurul musthofa etc.
In this application will be found a variety of humming praise of the Prophet as the story of Prophet, song Ustad Uje Jefr Al Buchori, Habib Sych bin Abdul Qadir Assegaf, Gusdur poetry tampo waton, Wafiq Azizah
a list of songs and sholawat:
- Abdullah Assegaf Back Home
- Alkawakib syidil ghowani
- Alkawakib yes badrotim
- Alkawakib daawil syatu
- Alkawakib mustofa gamaresyeh
- Latansa Anis Syahab Waysyiq
- Latansa Samar Antal Hayati
- Latansa Abine Duwe Bojo Loro
- Commentary mabookkk
- Origin Doan
- Vicar Alfayeth Halluny
- Vicar Alfayeth WALELAH
- Yes Badiil Jamal Nana Kurnia
- Balasyik mayjuz nababa
- AllahuAllahShofatlii
- Yahalaliradaabadaa
- HaamaQolbi
- KhudzYaminan
- Shalawat Nariyah
- Badawiyah
- Shalawat Kubro
- Bariyyah
- Selawat Munjiyat
- Selawat Ibrahimiyyah
- Syifa - Health
- Segue to Eliminate Trouble
- Adrikni
- Please Hajat World Hereafter
- Removing Dosa 80 Year
- Badr / Badriyah along with the benefits and means
- Etc.
Enjoy the invocation nariyah etc., the strains of religion, musk religious, Islamic songs, Islamic senangdung, nasyid and litany qasida
Listen sholawat Prophet Complete collection that will increase our closeness to Allah
Let us preach Islam peacefully
Let's spread Islam through this Complete sholawat
Let's unite Islam, eliminate class differences Sunni Islam, Shia, Wahhabi, Salafi, islam archipelago
Come support Indonesia bersholawat
May be useful

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Mise à jour:

Version actuelle: 5.0

Nécessite Android: Android 2.3 or later


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