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The Official FIFA App
Download the Official FIFA App to keep right up to date with live scores from across the globe, breaking news and photos, and exclusive videos, interviews and features from
Our Live Scores section, brings you the latest scores from the FIFA World Cup qualifiers, 197 national leagues and all the continental competitions.
We also provide comprehensive coverage of every FIFA competition with a special focus on the FIFA World Cup as we bring you unrivalled, in-depth coverage of the Russia 2018 qualifiers. You can also relive Brazil 2014 and all the greatest moments in World Cup history by browsing through our exclusive videos, photos and matches of all the previous World Cup editions.
In addition, you can keep track of the FIFA/Coca-Cola World Ranking, and explore how FIFA brings to life its passion for developing the game and building a better future with stories from our worldwide projects.
The Official FIFA App is a must-have for any football follower. So, download it and have ‘The Beautiful Game’ with you any time, any place.
Want to find out more? See what FIFA Club members and other football fans say:

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Nouveautés FIFA

We made some new updates. Enjoy the improved experience!


Mise à jour:

Version actuelle: 1.0

Nécessite Android: Android 4.0 or later


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