Management of a diabetic soft cataract - using Dr Sohel's prechopper : Pradip Mohanta, 26 Jan, 2022
Managing a Posterior Subcapsular Cataract with very soft Nucleus : Pradip Mohanta, 11th Sept, 2020
Soft Patient
Soothing Headache, Migraine, Pain and Anxiety Relief - Gentle Waterfall, Open Heart Music, Helios 4K
3 MINUTE Affordable Soft Green Eye Makeup Tutorial for Work or School
Chiropractic and Soft Tissue Treatment For New Patient - Full Visit
Unedited recording- Managing a Diabetic soft cataract- with 5.25 mm Rhexis- P Mohanta, 6 June, 2023
Open Tray Impression with Panasil X-Light and Tray Soft Heavy (@kettenbachusa) #dentist #impression