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Secret Sex Tips and Facts Pro

2.0 for Android
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This is for mature audiences only---18 years and older ONLY This is a must have for any person that wants to know some of the most detailed Sexual Tips and Facts, You now have the ability to save this right onto your smart phone. We have taken a very detailed approach to giving you the user the ability to know some of the best hidden secrets of sex from the past 300 years. This is a must read for any sex enthusiest who wants to master their desires in and out of the bedroom. We will uncover some super secret techniques and tips that will blow you away. I once met a person that said the action of sex was a job and that they did not enjoy it at all. I was thunderstruck with that comment! Every mature person should enjoy the passion of love and sexual interactio when done in a safe and comfortable environment. Save the very best Sexual facts and tips as a favorate right onto your phone, or send it to a friend. Review and enjoy hundreds of Sex Tips and facts for hours on end. You will never be bored again. If you need to email us in regards to any questions you might have on this application, dont hesitate to do so at any time. We welcome all new suggestions as this is a new application. We ask that after you have installed this vert awesome Secret Sex Tips and Facts Pro application, that you give this a very positive review so that other users can enjoy your positive comments. No Icons and No Annoying Push ads! You can optout notification ads from: Airpush Optout:http:www.revmob.comoptoutevery mobile landing page that the user is directed to has an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom, which opts-out a user with a single click. When you click on advertisements delivered by Secret Sex Tips and Facts Pro You will typically be directed to a third-partys web page. We may pass certain information to the third parties operating or hosting these pages, including your email address, phone number, and a list of other apps on your device. ENJOY!


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    Android 2.1 or later
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