Split Vowel Magic "e" | i_e | Reader: From Nine to Five | Go Phonics 2C Unit 18
u_e | Split Vowel Magic "e" | Phonics Reader | A Cube and a Tube | Go Phonics 2C Unit 21
Sound Different | oo(cook) oo(food) | Reader: Cook Food Without a Cookbook | Go Phonics 4C U21
Split Vowel Magic "e" | e_e | Reader: Meet on Christmas Eve | Go Phonics 2C Unit 20
th (voiceless) th (voiced) -3 |Sound Different |Reader|They Live in the South |Go Phonics 4A Unit 5
Final Blends | -ng -nk | Phonics Reader | Bring the King a Drink | Go Phonics 3F U17 | EFL
Consonant Blends "sh" | Reader: Fresh Fish From the Shore | Go Phonics 4A Unit 2
Phonics Exercise "oo" "ue" | Sound the Same | Go Phonics 2A Unit 6-7