Informer for Wear OS 2.13: messages are grouped by chat and WhatsApp voice messages are delivered
Informer: messages for Wear OS
Como escuchar y responder AUDIOS de WhatsApp en Wear OS / Galaxy Watch 4 / TicWatch con Informer!!
Whatsapp en Wear OS con tu mismo numero y sin apps para abrirlo (instalar y listo!)
🚨 Solucion 🚨 Telegram 📢 Wear OS 😃👍
Cómo TENER WHATSAPP COMPLETO en el Samsung Galaxy Watch (Y MÁS)
REAL WhatsApp is HERE on Wear Os 3 #whatsappcall #wearos
Wear Text: a WearOS app to make calls and send messages using your voice. Updated for version 1.07.