Weather Today
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Weather Today can tell you todays weather; you can make a preparation for the unexpected rain.Let me say its function to you. You must not think it is a simple app.1. You can be easy to search the weather in your location. Just touch the my current location button. Dont forget to make a name of this widget. When you search some one place weather, a widget will appear on your screen. If there is something wrong, you can verify it on the map.2. You can set the form of temperature unit Fahrenheit or Celsius to display.3. After you have done these steps, you are access to your location weather forecast There is detailed condition introduction of day and night. Temperature is also available to you.4. You can also get more detailed weather forecasts including current and four days on the screen.5. Active weather alerts will contribute to your schedule arrangement.6. This app also provides a whole website about weather for you to find out.Pouring rain will stop you to do outside things. Sometimes, you are outside, but you met a pouring water, it is terrible because you have no umbrella or rain coat. If you watched the weather report in advance, you will avoid this terrible situation. If you can know the weather whenever and wherever, it is much better.Online weather report is real time weather report, but it is not convenient. In fact, you need not to watch the weather forecast at the TV, as long as you have a mobile phone, you can know the weather report at any time. Weather Today can let your phone has this function.Using it, you not only know todays weather, but also can know the weather for the next four days. You can search the weather information of any city. Now download this app, I believe that you will love it.Once an allhuman endeavor have based mainly upon changes in barometric pressure, current weather conditions, and sky condition, forecast model is used to determine future conditions. Human input is still required to pick the best possible forecast model to base the forecast upon, which involves pattern recognition skills, teleconnections, knowledge of model performance, and knowledge of model biases.
Actualizada: 2014-09-12
Versión actual: 1.0
Requiere Android: Android 4 or later