Sufi Sama
Música y audio | 5.4MB
Asalam O Alikum ,
We have started a community to share Sufi Music , Sufi Qawwali , Gazal,
Naat , Bayan , Manqbat and other audio tracks similar to soundcloud. We have enormous tracks in database and some of them are very rare.
Please join us and share your tracks across the entire world .
Some features are listed below
Types of audio posted currently are Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan , Aziz Miyan , Rahat Fateh Ali khan , Sabri Brothers , Nizami , Warsi, Khwaja Hasan Mahfil e Sama , Misc Mahfil Sama Qawwali , Naat , Quran , Speechs etc and since it is user community people are keep uplading sufi audio collection.
The player gives your users complete control over the playing music, with next, pause, previus, repeat, volume and other functionalities.
Stream page keeps the user up to date with the new content posted by their friends, shows the online friends, friends suggestions and more
Explore page allows users to discover new tracks based on the tracks tags, find popular tracks and even discover new friends based on suggestions.
The tracks page displays information about the song such as description, statistics, license types, likes, publish date, categories and comments.
Rich user profiles with cover and avatar images, profile description, social network links, user tracks, following, followers, likes, playlists and more.
Unified search allows searching for both users and tracks at the same time. Search results can also be filtered by people, tracks and playlists.
For Any Bug or Suggestion , do feel free to contact us.
Declaimer : These audio files are uploaded by the Sufi user community , if you find any issue in the file please goto and report them so admin will remove these files.
version 4.0
Actualizada: 2018-11-15
Versión actual: 4.0
Requiere Android: Android 4.2 or later