Pubg Mobile Statistic
Herramientas | 2.4MB
Enter a PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds username then we will show you all stats for Solo, Duo and Squad for North America, Europe, Asia, Oceania and South & Central America.
Compare stats between players
Find steam account from PUBG username
Review and analyze all your matches
View leaderboard
For support contact
Version 2.1.1:
- Fix bugs & Improve load speed
Version 2.0.0:
- Apply new user interface
- Fix bugs
Version 1.2.2:
- Fix bugs
Version 1.2.0:
- Fix crash
- Add features:
Compare your stats with other player
Review all your matches
Find steam of other players
Version 1.1.1:
- Fix bug
Version 1.1.0:
- Store recent search
- Display top rating on home page
Version 1.0.1:
- Find and show Solo, Duo and Squad play
Actualizada: 2018-01-01
Versión actual: 2.1.1
Requiere Android: Android 4.0.3 or later