Shop Filly Flair

Shop Filly Flair

4.8 (220)

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La descripción de

Filly Flair Boutique is one of the top boutiques in the nation. Shop our app to get early access to items on our website and Free Shipping if you pay within one hour.
- Browse all of our most recent arrivals and promotions
- Easy ordering and checkout with credit or debit card
- Waitlist items and purchase them when they are back in stock
- Email notification for order fulfillment and shipping

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Novedades Shop Filly Flair

- New Favorites feature is now available
- New Sale Price/Product Badges
- Shoppers can now reply to and mention each other during lives
- Bug fixes



Versión actual: 2.7.20

Requiere Android: Android 5.1 or later


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