4 Resim 1 Kelime أيقونة

4 Resim 1 Kelime

1.08 for Android
4.5 | 1,000,000+ عمليات التثبيت

CetCiz Games

هذا الوصف ل 4 Resim 1 Kelime

It has to be noticed that 20,000+ users downloaded 4 Resim 1 Kelime latest version on 9Apps for free every week! A lot of functions and features are contained in this app. This hot app was released on 2017-04-13. It get a lot of recognition after release.
4 Figure 1 Word Game!
*** Now is the 250 Tour !! ***
- Thanks to our more than 900,000 players !! -
- Find common words in each round of the 4 picture!
- If not, do not worry, because you have gold!
- Get the tips with your gold, find the right words!
- Quick Find, earn more gold!
- Ask for help from your friends on Facebook, as well as get help win gold!
- More difficult tours with difficulty options waiting for you!
- Try to know the correct words with less pictures in difficult mode!
- Take a closer look by clicking on the picture, guess the word!
- Reset the tour whenever you want!
4 Figure 1 minute Words Get ready for a fun game!
Word game, painting game, puzzle
CETC Games


تحديث 4 Resim 1 Kelime 1.08

Google Market'te 900.000 den fazla kullanıcımıza teşekkürü borç biliriz!
- Oyun yeniden kodlandı!
- Performans iyileştirmeleri yapıldı.
** Her ay yeni turlar eklenecek!


  • الفئة:
  • احدث اصدار:
  • تحديث:
  • حجم الملف:
  • المتطلبات:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • تم التحديث:
    CetCiz Games
  • ID: