SCOG Workshop "Sfaira", 2022 - Day 1
الاقتباس العلمي للابحاث | افضل 5 برامج لقياس وتحديد نسبة الاقتباس | Top 5 Plagiarism Detection Tools
2nd VASBSD (@ WACV) 2021 Keynote Talk: "Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection"
Protein Subcellular Location Pattern Classification in Cellular Images... - Jieyue Li - ISMB 2012
Day 2: Evolution of Multicellularity
MIA: David Kelley, Reading the rules of gene regulation from human noncoding genome; Sam Friedman
Most detailed map ever of the human brain | New Scientist Weekly podcast 219
Physics of Life: A survey from the US National Academy of Sciences by William Bialek