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Topeng Loreng

هذا الوصف ل DJ NOVIN ASIA

Disana kamu bisa mendapatkan APK Android yang terinstall di perangkatmu. 20,000+ Pengguna mendownload DJ NOVIN ASIA versi terbaru di 9Apps secara gratis! Aplikasi ini sangat mempengaruhi. Aplikasi HOT ini di rilis tanggal 2019-09-28. Gunakan ketika benar benar membutuhkan.
kok kebangeten men
sambat belas raono perhatian
jelas kubutuh atimu
kubutuh awakmu
kok kebangeten men
loro ati iki
tambarno karo tak nggo latihan
sok nek wes oleh gantimu
wes ra kajok aku
mergo wes tau
wes tau jeru
mbien aku jek betah
suwe suwe wegah
nuruti kekarepanmu
sansoyo bubrah
mbiyen wes tak wanti-wanti
ojo ngasi lali
tapi kenyataanya pergi
kartonyono ning
ngawi medot janjimu
ambruk cagak ku
nuruti angan anganmu
sak kabehane wes tak turuti
tapi malah mblenjani
budalo malah tak duduhi dalane
metu kono belok kiri lurus wae
rasa nyawang sepionmu sing marai ati
tambah mbebani
mbien aku jek betah
suwe suwe wegah
nuruti kekarepanmu
sansoyo bubrah
mbiyen wes tak wanti-wanti
ojo sampe lali
tapi kenyataanya pergi
kartonyono ning
ngawi medot janjimu
ambruk cagak ku
nuruti angan anganmu
sak kabehane wes tak turuti
tapi malah mblenjani
budalo malah tak duduhi dalane
metu kono belok kiri lurus wae
rasa nyawang sepionmu sing marai ati
tambah mbebani
why are you so confused, man?
splendered raono attention
I clearly need your heart
I need your crew
why are you so confused, man?
loro ati iki
Tambarno Karo didn't want to practice
pretentious Grandma by your change
wes ra sharp me
Mergo, I know
wes know jeru
mbien I'm comfortable
suwe suwe wow
obey your kekarepan
sansoyo bubrah
mbiyen wes not warn
ojo is lasi
but the fact is gone
Kartonyono Ning
ngawi keep your promise
collapse my fork
obey your wishful thinking
sak kabehane wes not obey
but instead served
budalo is not even sitting in it
konu kono turn left straight wae
the taste of your dish is sing marai ati
added mbebani
mbien I'm comfortable
suwe suwe wow
obey your kekarepan
sansoyo bubrah
mbiyen wes not warn
ojo until lali
but the fact is gone
Kartonyono Ning
ngawi keep your promise
collapse my fork
obey your wishful thinking
sak kabehane wes not obey
but instead served
budalo is not even sitting in it
konu kono turn left straight wae
the taste of your dish is sing marai ati
added mbebani


  • الفئة:
    الموسيقى والصوت
  • احدث اصدار:
  • تحديث:
  • حجم الملف:
  • المتطلبات:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • تم التحديث:
    Topeng Loreng
  • ID: