Maven Messenger: Discover, Chat, Shop أيقونة

Maven Messenger: Discover, Chat, Shop

0.3.25 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ عمليات التثبيت

LivePerson, Inc.

هذا الوصف ل Maven Messenger: Discover, Chat, Shop

Maven is the easiest and most trusted way to discover, chat & shop with businesses. Connect and find brands you'll love to get exclusive Maven products and deals.
-- What Can You Do With Maven? --
Make Purchases
With Maven's help, making purchase decisions is as easy as chatting with a friend! Complete a purchase without ever leaving the conversation. Connect with a business to redeem your exclusive offer or browse their catalog.
Stay Connected
Easily message directly with businesses. Ask questions about products, get automated shipping updates, and personalized recommendations.
Explore our feed curated by Maven just for you! Discover what users are purchasing on Maven. See something you like? Tap to connect with the business and quickly complete your purchase.
Receive Recommendations
Ask businesses or verified customers questions you may have about any product on Maven. Get real answers from real people!
Protect Your Privacy
Your privacy is important, and we want you to feel secure asking for recommendations. All of the analytical data we store is anonymized. We are dedicated to providing the best experiences for our customers and will utilize analytical data internally to make sure we are always better for you - our top priority. We never share your data with 3rd parties. Maven keeps you in charge of the conversation and experience.
-- What's Maven AI? --
Maven AI is our conversational AI system that assists, guides, and communicates with you throughout your Maven Messenger experience. Maven will help you discover products and businesses that fit your needs and interests.


  • الفئة:
  • احدث اصدار:
  • تحديث:
  • حجم الملف:
  • المتطلبات:
    Android 6.0 or later
  • تم التحديث:
    LivePerson, Inc.
  • ID:
  • Available on: