ماذا تعرف عن برنامج Agisoft PhotoScan. ؟ ومقدمة تعريفية بسيطة بالقناة
Agisoft Metashape - Complete Tutorial (Cloud, Mesh, DSM, DTM, Classify, Orthoimage - No GCPs)
TUTORIAL Agisoft Metashape - orthophoto and DSM generation (with GCPs)
Agisoft Metashape 2.1 presentation
Agisoft Metashape orthophotomap processing workflow with GCPs
Agisoft Metashape - Tutorial (markers point cloud, mesh , texture)
Agisoft Metashape - LiDAR and Photogrammetry. Compared and Combined.
Archaeological excavation animation 3D in Agisoft Metashape