VTU Syllabus android app is developed to make the academic syllabus details available for students of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka, India.
Application works completely OFFLINE i.e. there is no need of internet to access the syllabus.
** 1,00,000 Downloads and 8200 Ratings **
App contains following information:
1. BE Syllabus - New CBCS Scheme (ECE, TCE, CSE, ISE, EEE, Mechanical, Civil and all other branches)
2. BE Syllabus - Prior to CBCS Scheme
3. MBA Syllabus - New CBCS Scheme 2016
4. MCA Syllabus - New CBCS Scheme 2016
5. Complete syllabus of MBA (All Branches)
6. VTU college details
7. View VTU results
8. Quantitative Aptitude MCQ's
9. Gate Syllabus
10. Notes, Seminar Topics & Project Info
11. MCQs for GATE Exam preparations
12. Lab Manuals & Old Question Papres
We will add the syllabus of other branches, M.Tech our next updates.
Also download 'VTU First Year : QP & Syllabus' android app, which contains 1st year BE Syllabus and Old Question Papers of VTU, Belgaum. App works completely OFFLINE.
Click on below link to download the app.
I hope the App. is useful to you in one or the other way.
Send your valuable suggestion and feedback to: venugopalmn1988@gmail.com.
Venugopal M N
1. Daily Updates on Jobs & Internship updates
2. Fixed the BLANK Data Display Issue on Devices with
Latest Android OS
3. Included Non-CBCS Syllabus