I'm glad to tell you that 10,000+ users downloaded Pattern Photo Lock Screen latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app has made a strong effect. This hot app was released on 2015-01-09. Just use it when absolutely necessary.
Pattern Photo Lock Screen is a lock screen app for making your phone lock using best theme. Pattern photo lock allows you to set photo in lock of your family or friends.
Pattern Photo Lock Screen is a simple to used and best design with each and every features related to this app. Here you can see the several features as follows :
1. User can set Lock with on/off toggle button.
2. User can set background with best HD images as well as also can changer the background at any time.
3. User can set passcode photo with you friends as well as family members which is show in pattern lock screen.
4. User can set pattern for lock with his/her best suitable pattern.
5. User can set gallery image for background image in the slide lock as well as pattern photo lock screen in the lock screen.
6. In the setting page you can having more facility for lock purpose.
7. In the setting page you can set sound on/off button using toggle button.
8. In the setting page you can set vibration on/off button using toggle button.
9. In the setting page you can set your date time with your proper requirements.
10. You can easy to used and make it more powerful lock screen with pattern photo lock.
Here if you having any more suggestion than you can send your message on dalviksolution@gmail.com.
Thank you for download this app.