Music FM أيقونة

Music FM

1.6.2 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ عمليات التثبيت

Yes Music

هذا الوصف ل Music FM

Music FM is the best music mp3 streamer, you can search your favorite artist, listen to the most popular songs, play your favorite music genre, jazz, hip pop, rock, electronic, classical and so on. you can add millions of tracks into your playlists.
Music FM will greatly enhance your music experience. Just play music anywhere and anytime in anyway, like nobody else!
Key Features:
- Discover new trending music with different categories
- Search and listen to album by artist
- Stream popular songs by genre and organize your music
- Create and manage your streaming playlists
- Sort songs list by name, type, size, date
- Full featured audio player and background playback
- Repeat and shuffle songs play
What is Music FM?
Free Mp3 music streaming Player
Local mp3 player
Cloud music player
Music Shuffle & repeat mode
SoundCloud Free Song Player
Background playing
All online FreeMusic are provided by SoundCloud API complying with use terms.
FreeMusic is NOT a music downloader, unable to download music, unable to play offline except local music.
SoundCloud® native client:

تحديث Music FM 1.6.2

We're always working to improve your experience on Music FM through new features and improvements across the product.


  • الفئة:
    الموسيقى والصوت
  • احدث اصدار:
  • تحديث:
  • حجم الملف:
  • المتطلبات:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • تم التحديث:
    Yes Music
  • ID: