Do you believe? 20,000+ users downloaded Mili Naghmay (National Songs) latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This will give an informative for the other crazy players. This hot app was released on 2015-08-11. More apps was release recently, you can download them and share with your friends!
You can Download or Listen Famouse Pakistani National Songs.
14 August "Independence day" (Azaadi) milli naghmay are included.
There are about 15 Albums with more then 350 Naghmay (National Songs)
Pakistan army, PAF navy and Pakistani millinaghmas. All at one platform.
New millinaghmas are regularly updated.
Whenever I Add/Upload new Album or national song it will be listed in your Phone Automaticaly (No need to Update the app)
*You can listen Online
*Download Your Farvout National Song
*Shufle Tracks
*Repeat Sound Tracks
*Farward and Reverse any Track
*Next and Previouse Feature is availbale
*Easy to navigate between albums and tracks
This app requires internet connection
If you want your farvoute song in the list mention it in your comment I will add it for you.
Your sudgestion will be appritiated and dont forget to rate us.