This application was design for the reducing the unwanted battery consumtion while using 4G network.
Tags : battery saver 4g , 4g battery saver , battery saver , battery saver for 4g network , battery saver for 4g , 3g battery saver , 2g 3g 4g network mode changer, 3G to 4G converter , 2G to 3G converter , 2g 3g 4g , 4G simulator , 3g to 4g network converter, 3g to 4g convert mobile app , 2g-3g-4g switcher , 3g to 4g switcher ,from 3G to 4G converter , VoLTE supporter,VoLTE checker, VoLTE support checker, VoLTE Enabler. LTE checker , LTE Supportter VoLTE Checker