The rulings on the stressed meem and nun and the clear melody in them, explaining Tuhfat al-Atfal
أحكام الميم الساكنة للجمزوري (تحفة الأطفال) صوت الغامدي
أحكام الميم والنون المشددتين للجمزوري (تحفة الأطفال)صوت سعد الغامدي
The apparent and assimilated verb laam (Say yes and we said) Explanation of the silent lamas
Explanation of verbal concealment. Explanation of the rulings on the meem sakinah
The solar lam with an explanation of the children’s masterpiece.
Explanation of diphthong with practical application and exercises
How to hide with all the letters and how to position the tongue and its place in the mouth