Jasa Kurir Samarinda

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تفاصيل التطبيق

Jasa kurir Samarinda memberikan kemudahan bagi anda. Baik penjual olshop maupun masyarakat Samarinda. Adapun layanan yang kami tawarkan yaitu :
1. Jasa belikan makan
Jasa belikan makan memudahkan anda memesan makanan tanpa keluar rumah. Anda tinggal menentukan warungnya dan apa yang di beli . Nanti kurir kami yg membelikan. Tinggal anda bayar harga makanan + ongkir + parkir (jika ada)
2. Jasa belikan obat di apotek
Jasa belikan obat di apotek memudahkan anda apabila memerlukan obat tetapi tidak ada motor atau gak bisa keluar rumah. Serahkan ke kurir kami. Anda tinggal membayar harga obat + ongkir + parkir (jika ada)
3. Jasa antar barang olshop
Bagi anda yg memiliki online shop. Gak perlu lagi mengantar barang sendiri. Serahkan saja ke kurir kami. Sesuai tujuan barang anda
Kami memiliki 3 jasa di atas yg akan membantu anda. Dan kedepannya akan kami tambah lagi sesuai kebutuhan anda. Semoga aplikasi ini memudahkan masyarakat Samarinda.
Samarinda courier services make it easy for you. Both the seller of the shop and community of Samarinda. The services we offer are:
1. Services buy food
Services for buying meals make it easy for you to order food without leaving home. You just have to determine the shop and what you buy. Later our courier will buy it. You only have to pay the price of food + postage + parking (if any)
2. Services buy medicine at the pharmacy
The service to buy medicine at the pharmacy makes it easier for you if you need medicine but there is no motorbike or you can't leave the house. Leave it to our courier. You just pay the price of the drug + postage + parking (if any)
3. Services between olshop goods
For those of you who have an online shop. No need to deliver your own items anymore. Leave it to our courier. According to the purpose of your goods
We have 3 services above that will help you. And in the future we will add more according to your needs. Hopefully this application makes it easy for the people of Samarinda.

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ما هو جديد Jasa Kurir Samarinda

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الإصدار: 2.1

نظام الأندرويد المتوافق: Android 4.1 or later



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