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Health & Fitness | 9.9MB


Designed for fitness enthusiasts by a fitness enthusiast, this app will come up with a meal plan on the go for you at any time of the day, so that you are able to hit your caloric and macro-nutrient targets. Easily add your favorite foods to a saved menu to choose from later, and log your foods you eat with a click of a button.
NutriHACK (nutrition hack) is designed around the 40/40/20 IIFYM flexible diet, which in short means you can eat ice-cream, pizza, burgers, and any other "unhealthy" foods, as long as "If It Fits Your Macronutrient" targets. 40/40/20 flexible dieting takes a lot of meal planning and number crunching. That is why this app has been designed to take the hard number crunching work out by using a special machine learning algorithm to tell you the foods to eat the rest of the day.
You won't mess up your entire meal plan for the day by sneaking in a donut. NutriHACK can readjust your meal plan and STILL hit your caloric and macronutrient targets while you are on the go. You will always have a meal planning coach in your pocket, in the form of AI.
This app has been tested thoroughly, you will need to be patient and let the app do its thinking for a few minutes. Just press a button and switch to another app while NutriHACK comes up with a meal plan. Foods to eat the rest of the day will be listed in green on your menu of foods you eat. EASY.

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What's New NutriHACK

- Larger font
- Orange labeled font, instead of blue (easier to see).



Version: 0.6.1

Requires: Android 2.3 or later


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