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Dengan adanya transfortasi online. Se iring berkembang nya kebutuhan dimasyarakat .kini telah hadir aplikasi Hero-jek. pas buat kamu yang ingin mencari penghasilan tambahan. Ayo Daftar Menjadi Mitra Driver kami .GRATIS!!!
Pendaftaran dilakukan secara online !
Dan kirim photo persyaratan lewat chat di aplikasi mitra yang benar atau valid.
Dan akan di arah kan oleh admin. Untuk proses selanjut nya . Mudah kan !
Bagi mitra Driver juga akan ada Bonus
Setiap Harinya .Bila anda menyelesaikan
Semua pekerja an dengan baik . Raih poin nya .Dan dapatkan Reward nya .!!
Juga bagi anda yang punya usaha . Makanan. Minuman. Cemilan . Toko elektronik / pengiriman paket. Bisa ber
Gabung menjadi Mitra produk/penjualan di Aplikasi HERO-JEK . Buruan gabung !!
Agar usaha penjualan mu laris ! Dan
Banyak dikunjungi pengguna aplikasi
Dengan HERO-JEK memudah kan anda untuk Beraktivitas. Siap membawa Barang yang anda butuhkan.Berkas. File.
Payung .barang yang ketinggalan dirumah anda. Dll. Dengan ongkos kirim yang bersahabat. Hemat dan murah.
Kami siap membantu anda. Dan kami akan melayani anda dengan Baik. Ramah .dan nyaman .
Ayo segera download aplikasi nya di playstore sekarang juga !.
With the online transaction. Along with growing needs in the community. Hero-jek application is now available. right for you who want to look for additional income. Come Register to become our Driver Partner. FREE !!!
Registration is done online!
And send photo requirements via chat in the correct or valid partner application.
And will be directed by the admin. For next process . It's easy, right !
For Driver partners there will also be a Bonus
Every Day. When you finish
All work well. Earn the points. And get the reward. !!
Also for those of you who have a business. Food. Drinks. Snack. Electronic store / package delivery. Can air
Join as a product / sales partner in the HERO-JEK Application. Hurry up and join !!
So that your sales business is in demand! And
Many visited by application users
With HERO-JEK, it's easy for you to do your activities. Ready to bring the goods you need. File.
Umbrellas. Items that are left in your home. Etc. With friendly shipping. Economical and cheap.
We are ready to help you. And we will serve you well. Friendly and comfortable.
Come immediately download the application in Playstore now!

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What's New HERO-JEK

Rilis Aplikasi Perdana



Version: 2.2

Requires: Android 4.1 or later


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