Camera for iPhone 12 Pro – OS 14 Camera
Photography | 40.5MB
This Camera app with more than 100 beauty makeup styles phone 12 and cute filters camera iOS14.You and your friends can take selfie with someone to capture the moment for beauty animoji camera makeup.
This app is easy to use but full of features and you can capture high quality photos and videos with the OS14 Camera.
☉ Auto flash has on/off option for user.
☉ Take photo as apple camera, front camera, back camera.
☉ Photo with 9 filter camera as os 13 or os 14 style of ip camera.
☉ Record video square, video hd.
☉ Square photo so beautiful.
☉ icamera IP camera Setting filter camera for photo, video and more.
☉ Change Save photo like Camera OS 14.
☉ Turn on - Turn off sound in í phone camera.
☉ Enjoy the ápple camera features in your android phone.
If you like this app then share the link with friends, family, and other loved ones so they can also capture their Best moment in camera 12 Pro. and also, give ratings from 5 stars. probably 5 stars.