Airports database (ICAO/IATA) icon

Airports database (ICAO/IATA)

2.5.5 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ インストール

Ivan Ardelyan

説明 Airports database (ICAO/IATA)

Looking for the ICAO or IATA code of an airport?
This simple app is the answer. It contains an offline database for the IATA and ICAO codes of thousands of airports.
The ICAO/IATA code database is already incorporated in the app as a file so you don't need to be online or to install a huge amount of data. Application's database contains information on more than 20,000 airports around the world.
Also you can use "Map" option, and watch on airport from satellite, and if need to create a route from your position to this airport using Google services.
How it works: Search by ICAO or IATA code and the other fields are shown automatically.

新機能 Airports database (ICAO/IATA) 2.5.5

Database updated


  • カテゴリー:
  • 最終のバージョン:
  • 更新日:
  • サイズ:
  • 動作環境:
    Android 4.2 or later
  • 開発元:
    Ivan Ardelyan
  • ID: