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Rating: star 3.0 | Version: 1.2 | Size: 3.4MB
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The most important driving factors in the use of computers in society The most important factors that encourage the use of computers are the following: Increased workload: This led to the need to control the huge amount of work and documents resulting from the expansion of work. The need to increase efficiency: by saving time and effort, and increasing accuracy in documenting data. New services and functions: IT has provided opportunities to create new functions to manage and process processes and information. Participation and collaboration: Information sharing and sharing through computers has become easier. Common IT Functions The IT field is divided into several functions, including the following Computer programmer: The person who transforms the initial design of the program into a set of written instructions so that it is easy for the computer to execute. Technical Support Officer: Provides technical assistance to staff in dealing with software and equipment. Database Administrator: A person who takes over the task of creating, managing, and protecting databases from hacking. Network Engineer: Responsible for connecting electronic devices and ensuring their interaction with each other within the organization, and protects them from penetrations and ensures the operation of the highest efficiency. Web developer: Design web sites using different programming languages. Information Systems Analyst: A person who combines business and technology management, so that he takes care of the technical aspects within the organization in order to raise the quality of work.


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Rating: star 3.0 | Version: ar.0 | Size: 1.9MB
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There are many types of fruits around the world, between what is widespread in all countries of the world at a great price and affordable, and what is very rare and is grown in very few areas, and is not available in all markets because of the low rate of production and high prices, and classified types of fruits according to taste To four main types,
Each type has a large number of different fruits in shape and color with a slight similarity in taste. Fruit Types Sugar fruit taste is characterized by its taste sweet taste and sugar, in addition to containing high rates of sugars in the various nutritional value, including: grapes, the benefits of the variety of grapes, because of its nutritional value rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, in addition to containing high percentages of Useful plant sugars. Banana, contains high levels of potassium fortified bone, it also helps to concentrate, and stimulates the ability of the brain to work. Fruit Taste This fruit often contains vitamin C, which has a sour taste
, Some of which are characterized by its acid taste and sweet at the same time, and some of the taste is very acidic to be difficult to swallow, including: Orange, of fruits of great health value,
Ada banyak jenis buah-buahan di seluruh dunia, antara apa yang meluas di seluruh negara di dunia pada harga yang besar dan terjangkau, dan apa yang sangat langka dan tumbuh di daerah sangat sedikit, dan tidak tersedia di semua pasar karena rendahnya tingkat produksi dan harga tinggi, dan jenis diklasifikasikan buah-buahan sesuai selera untuk empat jenis utama,
Setiap jenis memiliki sejumlah besar buah-buahan yang berbeda dalam bentuk dan warna dengan sedikit kesamaan dalam rasa. Jenis buah Gula rasa buah ditandai dengan rasa rasa dan gula manis, selain mengandung tingginya tingkat gula dalam berbagai nilai gizi, termasuk: anggur, manfaat dari berbagai anggur, karena nilai gizi yang kaya akan vitamin, kalsium dan zat besi, selain mengandung persentase tinggi gula tanaman yang berguna. Pisang, berisi tingkat tinggi kalium dibentengi tulang, juga membantu untuk berkonsentrasi, dan merangsang kemampuan otak untuk bekerja. Taste buah Buah ini sering mengandung vitamin C, yang memiliki rasa asam
, Beberapa yang ditandai dengan rasa asam dan manis pada saat yang sama, dan beberapa rasa sangat asam menjadi sulit untuk menelan, termasuk: Orange, buah-buahan dari nilai kesehatan yang besar,


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#3 Download Wasab Omar

Rating: star 3.0 | Version: 1.1 | Size: 1.9MB
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There are many types of fruits around the world, between what is widespread in all countries of the world at a great price and affordable, and what is very rare and is grown in very few areas, and is not available in all markets because of the low rate of production and high prices, and classified types of fruits according to taste To four main types,
Each type has a large number of different fruits in shape and color with a slight similarity in taste. Fruit Types Sugar fruit taste is characterized by its taste sweet taste and sugar, in addition to containing high rates of sugars in the various nutritional value, including: grapes, the benefits of the variety of grapes, because of its nutritional value rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, in addition to containing high percentages of Useful plant sugars. Banana, contains high levels of potassium fortified bone, it also helps to concentrate, and stimulates the ability of the brain to work. Fruit Taste This fruit often contains vitamin C, which has a sour taste
Ada banyak jenis buah-buahan di seluruh dunia, antara apa yang meluas di seluruh negara di dunia pada harga yang besar dan terjangkau, dan apa yang sangat langka dan tumbuh di daerah sangat sedikit, dan tidak tersedia di semua pasar karena rendahnya tingkat produksi dan harga tinggi, dan jenis diklasifikasikan buah-buahan sesuai selera untuk empat jenis utama,
Setiap jenis memiliki sejumlah besar buah-buahan yang berbeda dalam bentuk dan warna dengan sedikit kesamaan dalam rasa. Jenis buah Gula rasa buah ditandai dengan rasa rasa dan gula manis, selain mengandung tingginya tingkat gula dalam berbagai nilai gizi, termasuk: anggur, manfaat dari berbagai anggur, karena nilai gizi yang kaya akan vitamin, kalsium dan zat besi, selain mengandung persentase tinggi gula tanaman yang berguna. Pisang, berisi tingkat tinggi kalium dibentengi tulang, juga membantu untuk berkonsentrasi, dan merangsang kemampuan otak untuk bekerja. Taste buah Buah ini sering mengandung vitamin C, yang memiliki rasa asam


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#4 Download Omar wasab

Rating: star 3.0 | Version: 1.0 | Size: 1.9MB
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There are many types of fruits around the world, between what is widespread in all countries of the world at a great price and affordable, and what is very rare and is grown in very few areas, and is not available in all markets because of the low rate of production and high prices, and classified types of fruits according to taste To four main types,
Each type has a large number of different fruits in shape and color with a slight similarity in taste. Fruit Types Sugar fruit taste is characterized by its taste sweet taste and sugar, in addition to containing high rates of sugars in the various nutritional value, including: grapes, the benefits of the variety of grapes, because of its nutritional value rich in vitamins, calcium and iron, in addition to containing high percentages of Useful plant sugars. Banana, contains high levels of potassium fortified bone, it also helps to concentrate, and stimulates the ability of the brain to work. Fruit Taste This fruit often contains vitamin C, which has a sour taste.


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#5 Download Omar Plus

Rating: star 5.0 | Version: 2.3 | Size: 3.4MB
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Information technology emerged clearly in 1940 when Harvard University created the first large computer called Mark 1, and in 1975 Bill Gates introduced an operating system on MITS compatible with their devices. Microsoft began to emerge, and in 1993, The Internet is available for free use. The evolution of information technology continued especially at the turn of the century. The first intelligent device was created to allow anyone access to information by clicking on the screen with their fingers. [4] The development in this field continues unabated and took different forms; For organizations and institutions, and from what appears in the form of multiple applications, and from what works through the Internet and electronic pages. Components of Information Technology Information technology consists of several components, the most important of which are: [5] individual communications: such as messages and telephone. Collective communications: books and films. Audio: as a radio. Photo technique: Still and moving images. Computer: It has the ability to process data quickly and accurately.


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