Here are some news for you to learn more about one of the best android apps. 30,000+ users downloaded Ludo India - Board Game latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app has also been given a bit of a visual makeover, too This hot app was released on 2019-01-28. Remember it’s the app with great joy!
Ludo India is played between 2 to 4 players and you have the option of playing the game against the computer, against your friends, or even against people from around the world. each player gets 4 tokens, these tokens must make a full turn of the board and then make it to the finish line.
Snakes and Ladders is most popular game. Snakes and Ladders is played between two or more players on a game-board having numbered, gridded squares. A number of ladders and snakes are pictured on the board, each connecting two specific board squares. The object of the game is to navigate one's game piece, according to die rolls, from the start to a bottom square and the finish to top square helped or hindered by ladders and snakes respectively.
Ludo game
Ludo Classic
Ludo 2017
Ludo New Game 2017
Ludo New
Ludo New Game
Ludo 2018
Ludo New Game 2018
Ludo Latest 2017
Ludo Latest
Ludo Latest 2018
Ludo Free
Ludo Free 2017
Ludo Free 2018
Ludo dice game
Snake Game
Snake 2017
Snake 2018
Sanke Latest
Sanke New Game
Snake and ladder black and white
Snake and Ladder Ludo Free Games
Snakes and Ladders New Game
Snake and Ladder Game
Snakes and Ladders
Ladders New
Ladders New Game
Snake and Ladder Game
Snakes and Ladders Ludo Game
Snake and Ladder Dice Game
Snake and ladder board game
Snakes Ladders New Game and Ludo New Game
Snakes Ladders and Ludo
Snakes Ladders Game and Ludo Game
Snakes and ladders and ludo game
Ludo India dimainkan antara 2 hingga 4 pemain dan Anda memiliki opsi untuk bermain game melawan komputer, melawan teman-teman Anda, atau bahkan melawan orang-orang dari seluruh dunia. setiap pemain mendapat 4 token, token ini harus memutar papan sepenuhnya dan kemudian mencapai garis finish.
Snakes and Ladders adalah game paling populer. Snakes and Ladders dimainkan antara dua atau lebih pemain di papan permainan dengan nomor, kotak kotak. Sejumlah tangga dan ular digambarkan di papan, masing-masing menghubungkan dua kotak papan khusus. Tujuan dari permainan ini adalah untuk menavigasi potongan permainan seseorang, menurut die rolls, dari awal ke kotak bawah dan selesai ke kotak atas membantu atau dihalang oleh tangga dan ular masing-masing.
Game Ludo
Ludo Classic
Ludo 2017
Ludo Game Baru 2017
Ludo Baru
Ludo Game Baru
Ludo 2018
Ludo Game Baru 2018
Ludo Terbaru 2017
Ludo Terbaru
Ludo Terbaru 2018
Ludo Gratis
Ludo Gratis 2017
Ludo Gratis 2018
Game dadu Ludo
Game Ular
Ular 2017
Ular 2018
Sanke Terbaru
Sanke Game Baru
Ular dan tangga berwarna hitam dan putih
Permainan Gratis Ular dan Tangga Ludo
Game Baru Ular Tangga
Game Ular Tangga
Ular tangga
Tangga Baru
Game Baru Tangga
Game Ular Tangga
Snakes and Ladders Game
Game Snake and Ladder Dice
Permainan papan ular dan tangga
Game Baru Tangga Ular dan Game Baru Ludo
Tangga Ular dan Ludo
Game Ular Tangga dan Game Ludo
Ular dan tangga dan permainan ludo