With the updating of mobile application, 20,000+ users downloaded LocKit Lite latest version on 9Apps for free every week! One thing you need to know that this app is unique. This hot app was released on 2019-01-19. Remember it’s the app with great joy!
If you are looking for an App that can protect all your personal information in your android device, LocKit Lite is the final answer. Have you ever experience the awkwardness such as,
Your girlfriend wants to check your messages?
Your boyfriend tried to check your WhatsApp?
Accidentally showed a personal photo to friends?
Now LocKit Lite can lock all Apps, messages, call logs, photos and videos.
Top Features:
App Lock
: Lock the apps that you want to protect. Every time you enter the app, you will need to enter the password (pattern or fingerprints) to unlock the app.
Security Protection
: Even if you lost your phone, all your privacy and data will be protected from others.
If you have any questions, please contact Contact@habaslimited.com
Jika Anda mencari Aplikasi yang dapat melindungi semua informasi pribadi Anda di perangkat Android Anda, LocKit Lite adalah jawaban akhir. Pernahkah Anda mengalami kecanggungan seperti,
Pacar Anda ingin memeriksa pesan Anda?
Pacar Anda mencoba memeriksa WhatsApp Anda?
Secara tidak sengaja menunjukkan foto pribadi ke teman?
Sekarang LocKit Lite dapat mengunci semua Aplikasi, pesan, log panggilan, foto, dan video.
Fitur Teratas:
Kunci Aplikasi : Kunci aplikasi yang ingin Anda lindungi. Setiap kali Anda memasukkan aplikasi, Anda harus memasukkan kata sandi (pola atau sidik jari) untuk membuka kunci aplikasi.
Perlindungan Keamanan : Bahkan jika Anda kehilangan ponsel Anda, semua privasi dan data Anda akan dilindungi dari orang lain.
Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan, silakan hubungi Contact@habaslimited.com
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