ikon OnBrowser Lite || World's Lightest Browser

OnBrowser Lite || World's Lightest Browser

1.0 for Android
3.6 | 10,000+ Instal

Teknesya Networks Pvt. Ltd.

Penjabaran dari 9apps OnBrowser Lite

We access you a main official website for app download. 20,000+ users downloaded OnBrowser Lite latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You will feel better when you start playing This hot app was released on 2020-02-08. Hope you will like this amazing app!
Browse like no one is watching your privacy with the world's lightest browser. The OnBrowser has a default incognito mode with duckduckgo search engine so that the privacy is maintained from the moment you start till your end. You don't have to erase your history from your browser because OnBrowser doesn't have any!
The Teknesya initiative browser provides you fast & secure browser and your mobile doesn't feel it because it is the lightest weighted browser.
Automatic Incognito:-You don't have to delete your history and you can browse with relief.
Lightest Browser:-You don't have to look after your device's memory because we are taking care of it after all your device memory is precious.
Made by Teknesya:-Its an AppOn initiative from Teknesya, an online solution trusted company of its clients.
Jelajahi seolah-olah tidak ada yang menonton privasi Anda dengan peramban paling ringan di dunia. OnBrowser memiliki mode penyamaran default dengan mesin pencari duckduckgo sehingga privasi tetap terjaga sejak Anda mulai sampai selesai. Anda tidak harus menghapus riwayat dari browser Anda karena OnBrowser tidak memilikinya!
Browser inisiatif Teknesya memberikan Anda browser yang cepat & aman dan ponsel Anda tidak merasakannya karena itu adalah browser yang paling ringan.
Penyamaran Otomatis: -Anda tidak perlu menghapus riwayat dan Anda dapat menjelajah dengan lega.
Browser Teringan: -Anda tidak perlu menjaga memori perangkat Anda karena kami akan menjaganya setelah semua memori perangkat Anda sangat berharga.
Dibuat oleh Teknesya: -Ini inisiatif AppOn dari Teknesya, sebuah solusi online yang dipercaya oleh kliennya.


Memperbarui OnBrowser Lite 1.0

Full Screen Video Playing Support Added
File Downloads Enabled
Minor bug fixes


  • Kategori:
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  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 2.2 or later
  • Diupdate:
    Teknesya Networks Pvt. Ltd.
  • ID: