It is a truth that 20,000+ users downloaded Date Foods by Date Caterers latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This makes the app feel more like a popular merchandise, which is very positive in my opinion. This hot app was released on 2019-10-16. Find out more android software you're looking for at
We Date Foods is the venture of Date caterers who is providing quality food and service from past 50 years.. While understanding our customer demands, Date sweets strives to maintain Quality, Hygiene and Service. Our responsibility lies in standing true to our patrons, and hence we do not compromise on quality. Commitment, ethics and the faith in what we do, instills self-belief to give back to the society what they expect the most. Business for us has meant the people who we've consistently seen walking in our outlet for years. Value for us has been sharing your every little occasion. Date Sweets is proud to be the taste of your life.
We Date Foods adalah usaha penyedia katering Date yang menyediakan makanan dan layanan berkualitas dari 50 tahun terakhir. Sambil memahami tuntutan pelanggan kami, permen Date berusaha keras untuk menjaga Kualitas, Kebersihan, dan Layanan. Tanggung jawab kami terletak pada berdiri setia kepada pelanggan kami, dan karenanya kami tidak berkompromi pada kualitas. Komitmen, etika, dan keyakinan pada apa yang kita lakukan, menanamkan kepercayaan diri untuk memberi kembali kepada masyarakat apa yang paling mereka harapkan. Bisnis bagi kami berarti orang-orang yang secara konsisten kami lihat berjalan di outlet kami selama bertahun-tahun. Nilai bagi kami telah membagikan setiap kesempatan kecil Anda. Date Sweets bangga menjadi cita rasa hidup Anda.
Order dispatch will start from 21st October 2019