Some India application are update now! 20,000+ users downloaded 100 Duas latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You get various free apps from the store. This hot app was released on 2020-06-10. Even if you’re not a fan of this app, you’ll love it after reading this page.
During current times it has become very common for us come across various duas via social media, messages, apps and books, while majority of these duas fail to mention the dua's source, extract, meaning and grade of the hadith (if from a hadith).
This is the main reason that we created the 100 Duas app, which contains the source, extract, meaning and grade of the hadith (if from a hadith) of 100 duas. All the duas which have mentioned have been obtained from the Holly Qur'an and Kutub al-Sittah, - The Six Canonical Books of Hadith (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Sunan al-Nasa'i, Sunan Ibn Majah) which holds grade a grade of sahih "authentic" or hasan "good".
The next time you receive a dua to be recited for a reason such as before an job interview, during a certain third quarter of the month of Ramazan, before exam, please look for at least the source and try validate the source.
A large amount of time and effort had been taken in the compilation of this application and your positive feedback back would be greatly appreciated.
Selama masa kini, sudah menjadi hal biasa bagi kita menemukan berbagai duas melalui media sosial, pesan, aplikasi, dan buku, sementara mayoritas duas ini gagal menyebutkan sumber, ekstrak, makna, dan tingkat hadits (jika dari sebuah hadits). .
Ini adalah alasan utama kami menciptakan aplikasi 100 Duas, yang berisi sumber, ekstrak, makna, dan tingkat hadits (jika dari sebuah hadits) 100 duas. Semua duas yang disebutkan telah diperoleh dari Al-Qur'an dan Kutub al-Sittah, - Enam Buku Hadis Canonical (Sahih al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan Abu Dawud, Sunan al-Tirmidzi, Sunan al-Nasa 'i, Sunan Ibnu Majah) yang memiliki gelar sahih "otentik" atau hasan "baik".
Lain kali Anda menerima doa untuk dibacakan karena alasan seperti sebelum wawancara kerja, selama kuartal ketiga bulan Ramazan, sebelum ujian, harap cari setidaknya sumber dan coba validasi sumbernya.
Sejumlah besar waktu dan upaya telah diambil dalam kompilasi aplikasi ini dan umpan balik positif Anda akan sangat dihargai.
Initial release of 100 Duas application.