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Chinese New Year Songs

4.0 for Android
4.7 | 10,000+ Descargas

Gizmo Studio

La descripción de Chinese New Year Songs

Chinese New Year (CNY), otherwise known as the Spring Festival, is a festival celebrated by many Chinese. It is a time for rekindling bonds with friends and families. This festive season is best celebrated while listening warm and cheery Chinese New Year Songs.
Chinese New Year Songs is the perfect app for you to liven up the atmosphere as you listen to the most traditional and classic Chinese New Year songs.
Chinese New Year Songs features many familiar and famous Chinese Year Songs that folks from all generations would know how to sing.
- High quality Chinese New Year songs that can be played both online and offline
- Chinese lyrics included for you to sing along
- Adjustable music slider to change the music timing
- Media player to easily control the songs. Includes play, pause and jump to the next or previous song
- Automatically plays the next song with option to loop the current song
- Clean and simple user interface that is easy to use
- Absolutely FREE!! No in-apps purchases needed
Chinese New Year Songs Included:
1. 恭喜恭喜
2. 恭喜发财
3. 迎春花
4. 万年红
5. 贺新年
6. 新年好
7. 春天来了
8. 大地回春
9. 财神到
10. 合家欢
11. 凤阳花鼓
12. 拜年
13. 恭喜大家过新年
14. 富貴花開迎新年
15. 春風吻上了我的臉
16. 过一个大肥年
17. 春之晨
18. 财神到我家
19. 嘻嘻哈哈过新年
20. 小拜年
21. 向王小二拜年
22. 大拜年
23. 發福發財中國年
24. 年来了
25. 新年快乐我的爱
26. 财源滚滚
27. 花开富贵满华堂
28. 财神来到我家门
29. 财神到 (粤语)
30. 祝福你 (粤语)
31. 你最紅 (粤语)
32. 喜氣洋洋 (粤语)
33. 如意吉祥 (粤语)
34. 欢喜过新年 (台语)
35. 爆竹一声报喜春 (台语)
36. 百花齐放 (台语)
- This is an unofficial app created by a team of developers who loves these Chinese New Year songs, for fellow folks who also love these Chinese New Year songs
- This app is not an officially authorised app by the personnel that own these songs
- The creator of this app fully acknowledged that the music in this app belongs to the respective personnel that owns them
- This app is not affiliated with the respective personnel that owns the music
- All the songs in the app were aggregated from publicly available online sources (e.g. YouTube)
For any concerns regarding the songs, please contact us via our email in the app and we will act accordingly.

Novedades Chinese New Year Songs 4.0

Improved the user experience, song content and music quality based on user feedback.


  • Categoría:
    Música y audio
  • Última Versión:
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  • Tamaño:
  • Requisitos:
    Android 4.4 or later
  • Desarrollador:
    Gizmo Studio
  • ID:
  • Available on: