Messages widget allows you to view , compose, delete, forward, reply or call straight from the home screen.
No need to open any other default apps to do this.
Please send an email to me if you have any issues. It helps us see a better widget in place.
NOTE : For Android Kitkat uers, the current version is developed on a emulator and not tested to full extent.
So, please report any issues you find.
Support Development By Donating !!
Version 2.0.1
1. Mark a message 'Read' or 'UnRead' by clicking on the sender name/number on the widget screen.
2. Click message text area to open preferences. Hope you like it as it avoids to look for the app in app drawer.
3. Message when deleted shows widget based auto closable notification.
Thanks to guys who shared their feedback..
Upcoming version :
1. My widget.. my theme. Users will be allowed to create theme on their own
2. New screen to show the messages which were failed to deliver.