Listen your favorite FM/AM Stations and web radios online by using this Application.Streaming the best quality of songs online.
We provide all india radio (AIR Radios) stations of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Radios, also we support AIR News.
-- Hear Fm stations on your travel by connecting with Android Auto
-- Hear your FM station by connecting with Bluetooth devices
List of Fm Radio Stations Available:
Radio City Bhakthi
Radio Mirchi Hyderabad
Mirchi Hits Radio
Kool Radio
Mirchi Love
Red FM 93.5
Radio Sai
Hungama Radio
Kokila Radio
Radio Mirchi Tapaka
Tori Telugu One
Nuke Telugu Old Hits
Gelupu Radio
Telugu NRI Radio
Sun City Radio
Kokila Radio
Maa Radio Telangana
Telangana Radio
Mana Radio
Mana Music and Entertainment
Mana Millennium Hits
Mana Devotional
MY IND Media
Radio 9
School radio
Bhakti Tarangam
Sai Baba Spiritual
Sai Baba Spiritual1
Telugu Christian
Telugu One GMT
Dasubhashitam Radio
Shalom Beats
Hungama Telugu
Bible Radio
3AFM Radio
Radio Suvartha
-- Bug Fixes