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Inquebrantables ⚡️

3.1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Instalacje

Daniel Habif

Opis Inquebrantables

As we all know, 20,000+ users downloaded Inquebrantables latest version on 9Apps for free every week! With unexpected, recently it has become very popular in India. This hot app was released on 2018-12-19. Get the latest version now!
En esta aplicacion Aprenderás Reseñas alusivas : Pareja - Ruptura - Mujer - Amor - Autoestima - Reflexión - motivación - Familia - Videos de Daniel Habif
LOS INQUEBRANTABLES: Tienen miedo, pero no se mantiene asustados, no le ponen limites a sus sueños, saben que el fracaso no existe, saben que lo que se fue, no hace falta y lo que hace falta ya vendrá, no dicen mañana nos vemos, porque mañana no existe, buscan la grandeza y no piden permiso para obtenerla, no tienen la vida que les toco, tienen la vida que quieren, saben que nada es permanente, ni los errores, ni los miedos, saben que nadie les puede robar sus sueños, toman riesgos, conquistan y colonizan, construyen con sus labios lo que quieren ver con sus ojos, no suspiran por las cosas, sudan por ellas, extirpan la amargura, arrancan la ira, dejan la necedad, saben mucho pero hacen mas, son constantes y perseverantes, usan todos sus talentos y dones, no toleran la mediocridad, no pierden su tiempo, elevan sus estándares, no son como ayer, aceptan sus errores pero no se encadenan a ellos, no se detienen por las opiniones de los demás, lo imposible es su juguete favorito, son ordenados, disciplinados, no tienen vista tienen visión, no claudican, se caen y se levantan, convierten el no en si, escriben hoy con hechos lo que quieren leer de ellos mañana, perdonan, sirven, aman, no tienen un plan b, no suben solos a la cima, son mansos, pero no mensos, están probados en fuego y dolor, han llorado y han sufrido, no se lamen las heridas, no se vengan ni castigan, están rotos y desgarrados, no santos ni perfectos, son inquebrantables.
DANIEL HABIF considerado uno de los más jóvenes y mejores speakers motivacionales de Latinoamérica. Es un provocador profesional, amante del cableado humano y la ciencia de la felicidad. Tiene impactantes y poderosas conferencias sobre liderazgo, emprendimiento, ventas, mente y espíritu, enfoque, actitud, disciplina, visión y dominio propio. Joven directivo y empresario con 26 años de experiencia en la industria de la comunicación, publicidad y entretenimiento. Comenzó como actor desde los 6 años participando en un sin número de comerciales, novelas, obras de teatro y películas, logrando ser productor y conductor de televisión a los 21 años. Produjo más de 600 conciertos masivos en vivo, 200 eventos privados y ha desarrollado un aproximado de 38 campañas publicitarias a nivel nacional. Es líder y creador del movimiento #LOSINQUEBRANTABLES
⭐️ Inquebrantables - Frases de Daniel Habif - Frases Inquebrantables - Frases - Emprendedores - Éxito - Emprendimiento - Negocios - Emprendedor - Motivación - Dinero - Emprender - Liderazgo - Metas - Libertad financiera - Sueños - Mentes Millonarias - Love - Inspiracion - Vida - Consejos - Futuro - Oportunidad -Crecimiento Personal - Logros - Lideres - Soñadores - Perseverancia - Prosperidad - Actitud Positiva - Metas - Superación Personal - enfoque ⭐️
In this application you will learn allusive reviews: Couple - Rupture - Woman - Love - Self-esteem - Reflection - Motivation - Family - Videos of Daniel Habif
THE UNLOCKTABLE: They are afraid, but they do not stay scared, they do not put limits on their dreams, they know that failure does not exist, they know that what went away is not needed and what is needed will come, they do not say tomorrow see you , because tomorrow does not exist, they look for greatness and do not ask for permission to obtain it, they do not have the life that I touch them, they have the life they want, they know that nothing is permanent, neither mistakes nor fears, they know that nobody can steal them their dreams, they take risks, they conquer and colonize, they build with their lips what they want to see with their eyes, they do not sigh for things, they sweat for them, they remove the bitterness, they tear the anger, they leave the foolishness, they know much but they do more, they are constant and perseverant, they use all their talents and gifts, they do not tolerate mediocrity, they do not waste their time, they raise their standards, they are not like yesterday, they accept their mistakes but they are not chained to them, they do not stop for the opinions of others , the impossible is your favorite toy, they are ordered, disciplined, they have no vision, they have vision, they do not give up, they fall and rise, they turn the not in themselves, they write today with facts what they want to read about them tomorrow, they forgive, they serve, they love, they do not have a plan b, they do not they climb alone to the top, they are meek, but not unkind, they are tested in fire and pain, they have cried and suffered, they do not lick their wounds, they do not avenge or punish, they are broken and torn, not holy or perfect, they are unbreakable .
DANIEL HABIF considered one of the youngest and best motivational speakers in Latin America. He is a professional provocateur, lover of human wiring and the science of happiness. It has powerful and powerful conferences on leadership, entrepreneurship, sales, mind and spirit, focus, attitude, discipline, vision and self-control. Young manager and entrepreneur with 26 years of experience in the communication, advertising and entertainment industry. He began as an actor since he was 6 years old, participating in countless commercials, novels, plays and films, becoming a producer and television host at 21 years old. He produced more than 600 massive live concerts, 200 private events and has developed an approximate of 38 publicity campaigns nationwide. He is the leader and creator of the #LOSINQUEBRANTABLES movement
In️ Unbreakable - Phrases of Daniel Habif - Unbreakable Phrases - Phrases - Entrepreneurs - Success - Entrepreneurship - Business - Entrepreneur - Motivation - Money - Entrepreneurship - Leadership - Goals - Financial Freedom - Dreams - Millionaire Minds - Love - Inspirations - Life - Advice - Future - Opportunity - Personal Growth - Achievements - Leaders - Dreamers - Perseverance - Prosperity - Positive Attitude - Goals - Personal Overcoming - Focus ⭐️

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  • Kategoria:
    Zdrowie i fitness
  • Aktualna wersja:
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  • Wymaga Androida:
    Android 4.0.3 or later
  • Deweloper:
    Daniel Habif
  • ID: