اهنك معين
بدون اينترنت - Moein MUSIC
Do you like Moein music? You are in the right place, because you will listen to the best sounds of Moein for free! Choose your favorite classical music and enjoy! Choose from the full range of Moein free music !!!!!!
N asrollah Moein Najafabadi (Persian: نصرالله معین نجفآبادی , born 19 January 1951), more commonly known as Moein (Persian: معین , Persian pronunciation: [moˈ(ʔ)in]), is a prominent, Iranian singer. Moein began his artistic career as a radio singer. He released several albums before Yeki Ra Doost Midaram in 1986, which was his first album to be widely noticed in Iran. In recent years, Moein has become widely acclaimed in Iran and he has played concerts throughout the globe. He is referred to as "javdan sedaye eshgh," which translates to "the prominent voice of love." He has two daughters, Paricheh and Setareh
نصرالله معين نجف آبادي با نام هنري معين (زاده 29 دي 1330 در نجف آباد استان اصفهان) ، خواننده ي سرشناس موسيقي سنتي و پاپ ايراني ساکن لس آنجلس است. وي از دوران کودکي علاقه خود را به آواز نشان داد. معين در سن 18 سالگي
اهنك معين
بدون اينترنت - Moein MUSIC2019