i think first mission on enpire side to up biginer . and next mission would select to revellion side with mileniam falcon to galaxy peace project tomorrow . we must custom up group machines of foce to next stage . and we do't leave mission brother to see navigator and a kind's. of couse we do't attack mission brother to easy winer . especially we select revellion side when our master woulu up grade the most exciting 3D GAME . thank you . we would possible to meet brother and many another minds .
2023-04-10 02:48
i think first mission on enpire side to up biginer . and next mission would select to revellion side with mileniam falcon to galaxy peace project tomorrow . we must custom up own machine of foce to next stage . and we do't leave mission brother to see navigator . of couse we do't attack mission brother to easy winer . especially we select revellion side when our master woulu up grade the most exciting 3D GAME . thank you . we would possible to meet brother and more many another minds .