You can either edit your photos with frames and other photo effects, by selecting photos from mobile gallery or you can use to click photo directly along with the frames.
- Effective user interface
- You can choose from multiple creative frames.
- Pick images from gallery or take photo from camera.
- Give Awesome effects to make your photo more beautiful and realistic.
- Add text on frames with different colors and styles.
- Use wide range of smiley and stickers to make your pic classic.
- Share your photo with social media.
- Save images with high resolution
- Give photo effect like grey scale, hue, contrast, many color effects and more..
- Adjust your photo, drag, rotate, pinch zoom in, zoom out
- You can add text on frames with different styles and colors.
- Use classic collection of smiley and stickers to make your pic wonderful.
Any Feedback
and suggestions are most Welcome And Appreciated