Pabrik koin
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Tired of working and wanting to have fun,
Is the family sick and need sudden funds.
Immediately download the application and make your wish come true!
Find quality funding applications that will be loved by your family and friends. Download this application and don't miss it.
Requirements on Satisfied Cards:
1. At least 20 years old
2. Have a permanent job
3. Have a KTP, NPWP and Savings Book
melayani pinjaman tanpa agunan berjumlah Rp 600.000,-sampai Rp 5.000.000,-
Jumlah pinjaman: Rp 600.000 - Rp 5.000.000.
Menyediakan tenor pinjaman : 120 Hari - 240Hari
Bunga : Maksimal 14%/tahun (Tidak ada biaya layanan)
✸Contoh simulasi transaksi
Jika memilih jumlah pinjaman Rp 700.000,- dengan suku bunga 14% , maka pada tanggal jatuh tempo anda harus membayar: 700.000*(1+14%)=805.000
Download it immediately! Enjoy the best service experience with 2 million other users.
Advantages of Satisfied Cards:
1. Verification System: You only need to include an ID card
2. Safe: Pay attention to the protection of your privacy
Process :
After you download the Satisfied Card, then do the following five steps:
1. Register cellphone number
2. Submission
3. Fill in the information
4. Wait for Confirmation
5. Fund Entering Account
*Hubungi Kami * Jika anda membutuhkan bantuan, customer service kami akan bersedia membantu anda.
Waktu kerja : 09:00-12:00; 14:00-18:00
Alamat:Jl. Utama Puri Bintaro Hijau No.D4/12, Pd. Aren, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15224, Indonesia
Pabrik koin v1.1.4