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CAREDOSE – A revolutionary way to manage your medicines. Get your medicines delivered to your doorstep pre-sorted and packaged by dose with our proprietary packaging robot called DoseDroid!
This app enables you to:
• Sign up for CAREDOSE services
• Manage your refills and medicines
• Track your adherence patterns
• Receive dose alert notifications, so you never miss a dose
Psst: We're offering the service for free AND giving 20% off on meds!
CAREDOSE - Cara revolusioner untuk mengelola obat-obatan Anda. Dapatkan obat-obatan Anda dikirimkan ke ambang pintu Anda sebelum disortir dan dikemas berdasarkan dosis dengan robot pengemasan eksklusif kami yang disebut DoseDroid!
Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda untuk:
• Mendaftar untuk layanan CAREDOSE
• Kelola isi ulang dan obat-obatan Anda
• Lacak pola kepatuhan Anda
• Menerima pemberitahuan peringatan dosis, sehingga Anda tidak pernah melewatkan dosis
Psst: Kami menawarkan layanan ini secara gratis DAN memberikan potongan harga 20%!

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Yang Terbaru Caredose

• Now when you tap the dose notification, the app handles marking for you
• View your prescriptions in the doses page
Bugs squashed:
• Fixed a bug that would cause text to disappear off-screen
• Fixed a bug that prevented doses that have already passed to be marked
• Fixed a bug in the REVIEW section of doses. Pressing done now marks the doses



Versi: 1.1

Butuh: Android 4.3 or later



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